Re: Engagement cadence

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Engagement cadence

I think this question has already been answered but I would like confirmation that I am heading in the right direction.
I have a track that contains 7 emails with one going out every 2 weeks. I currently use the built in cadence of the engament engine and have it set to run every 2 weeks on T,W,T. My hope was that it would check each of these days to see if there is a member who did not recieve one of the emails in the past two weeks and send them one, then in two weeks send another.  What I see happening is that it is sending one out on Tuesday, and on Wed sends the next email.  I assume this is by design, so I am considering using a hybrid of wait steps and engagement cadence. What I plan on doing is setting the cadence to weekly on T,W,T and then having a wait step before each email of 14 days, is this the right approach?  Add to this I have logic built in to see if they have already consumed the offer (the actual download, not the email, we do this since we use other channels to promote the content as well).  Will the system that adds the lead to a wait step (14 days) on Tuesday, respect that when the cast runs again on Wed, and Thurs?  The desired result is that it will send the email in 14 days and then once sent the next cast will execute another 14 day wait step. Does this make sense? Am I executing this correctly?


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Re: Engagement cadence

Anybody have any thoughts on this, I am hoping to pull the trigger but am hesitating.
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Re: Engagement cadence

Good question Jason. This is the biggest thing I hear from people in regards to the new engagement engine. People are very used to the old 'wait steps' and liked the control of being able to time out the emails pretty accurately. The only thing that was tougher to time was when the email actually went out.

Can I ask why you want to wait 2 weeks in-between emails? I am finding that Tues/Thurs engagement cadence is working really well.

I suppose if you are need to stick to this 14 day wait, then you could also look at setting up each of your emails in different streams. Then in your transition rules, apply the smart list criteria you need and in the flow, use wait steps before you push them to the next stream. That might be one option.

Pretty much everyone I talk to has the same concerns with the engagement cadence options. I think a big part of it is just how we are all used to setting up our nurtures, so it takes some getting used to for sure.
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Re: Engagement cadence

Hi Pierce,
Are you proposing sending an email on Tuesday and then another on Thursday of the same week?  Our product has a fairly long buying cycle so we generally will have anywhere from 6- 18 touches that span months,depending what buying stage they are at.  Ultimately what I want to happen is every T,W,T check for leads who are due to receive a communication and send it, if they have already received one recently they will be added to the wait step of 14 days for the next one.  The problem currently is that the program only runs every two weeks which means if I have a lead that comes into the program on Monday, and it is an off week than they will only get their first email the next week.  I am finding that every other week there are no emails being sent, when in reality what I want is for emails to go out every week, but only for someone to get one if it has been 14 days since their last.
Does this make sense?
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Re: Engagement cadence

I would consider going to weekly send, say Wednesday, and for your very first email in the lead nurture, add it to the flow when you add them to an engagement program. Put a wait step of like an hour (or whatever you feel comfortable with), and then add them to the engagement program. That solves at least one of your problems.