Re: Embed an email capture form....

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Embed an email capture form....

Is it possible to embed an email capture form on a non-Marketo web page and send this email address to the Marketo database for lead nurturing purposes? We need a separate table for these emails as they will be managed differently than a normal prospect.
We’re looking for the HTML code to place behind this email form (we don’t need the design of the form, but the form submission code).
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Re: Embed an email capture form....

Hi Lisa, 

The easiest way I've found is to embed a Marketo form in an iframe and place it on your site:

You essentially create a form asset in a program or in design studio, embed into a blank landing page, and then place this landing page containing the form via an iframe onto your non-marketo page. 

You will be able to segment leads that have entered the database via this form and assign them to whatever nurturing tracks you want from there. 

Hope this helps. 

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Re: Embed an email capture form....

Yes you can do this, these articles should help: