Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo

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Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo

Hi Guys,
We've had great success with using SurveyGizmo and Marketo for email campaigns, where I can dynamically build the link to the survey and append parameters dynamically as the emails get generated for each lead/contact passing their email, first/last name and company to the survey (or any Marketo token that we want captured in the SurveyGizmo response)
I want to use the survey embedded in an iFrame in the Marketo landing page, and would like to know if anybody has succesfully doen this by passsing Marketo tokens/parameters to the survey through the URL.
SurveyGizmo does offer several options, Javascript embed, iFrame, Static HTML, Website pop-up.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you
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Re: Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo


If you are using an iFrame embed, could you not just add the URL parameters directly to the iframe source? Forgive me for not knowing SurveyGizmo's URL structure, but you can get the gist:

<iframe src="http://surveygizmo.com/survey123/?answer1={{lead.First Name}}&answer2={{lead.Last Name}}" />
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Re: Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo

You know, there is nada in Marketo that I could find that stated you could build a landing page and an iFrame URL with the tokens like that.

Seems to work fine.

Thank you
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Re: Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo

You're welcome...tokens are amazing things. Somewhere on here there's a really handy document with potential uses for tokens. Please mark my answer as the Best Answer if it works for you. Thanks!
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Re: Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo

Hi Jason/Andy

Based on your discussions above I tried to use tokens in iFrame but the values are not reflect back in Marketo.

<iframe src="http://www.surveygizmo.com/1687497/Sample-survey/?answer1={{lead.First Name:default=edit me}}&answer2={{lead.Last Name:default=edit me}}&answer3{{lead.Email Address:default=edit me}}&answer4={{lead.nps-score:default=edit me}}"frameborder="0" width="700" height="500" style="overflow:hidden"></iframe> 

Can you please let me know if this is the correct way to achive it or if i am missing something here.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo

Hi Somesh,

We you say "the values are not reflect back in Marketo." do you mean that the values are not passed to SurveyGizmo?

From the Marketo side as quick test, go to the Approved Landing page, and view it as a known lead, and check the page source and see what the URL parameters have been populated with. This will let you know if the tokens are working for building the URL

In SurveyGizmo are you using the tokens there e.g. 

Hidden Value Action

Value: [URL("answer1")]

I'd skip the "default=edit me" from the token, just so it doesn't appear in the survey responses anywhere.

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Re: Embed a Survgizmo survey in landing page and pass parameters to SurveyGizmo

Hi Andy,

Thanks for the quick response.

My problem is the values are not passed back to Marketo from SurveyGizmo. Just like a form fill when i fill the form values get updated in Marketo.

Is this achievable, If so what is the procedure I must follow.

Really appreciate your help.
