email viewed as a web page issue

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email viewed as a web page issue

when I set email setting to include "view as a web page" the name that shows up in the tab of the browser is not relevant. the same name appears for all of our emails.. Do you know  how to adjust?
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Level 10

Re: email viewed as a web page issue

Hi Kelli,

It currently will just show the URL as the title. I'm curious, what are you wanting the title of the page to be? The subject of the email?

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Re: email viewed as a web page issue

Subject - Frome Name wouldn't be a bad format, I think.
Level 10

Re: email viewed as a web page issue

We can adjust the "View as Webpage" text or add a "Vew as Webpage" Message. However, there doesn't seems to be a way to edit the title of the webpage that follows. 
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Re: email viewed as a web page issue

thanks for the feedback. The tab name that shows up is not the url it is "webinar template", which is very randon and does not apply to any of my emails. "webinar template" shows in the tab for all my emails when viewed as a web page.

I cant seem to find how to adjust unless it is an admin function.

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Re: email viewed as a web page issue

so we figured it out. issue was with the initial template creation. we just changed name there and now tab name is relevant
Level 10

Re: email viewed as a web page issue

Yes, you are correct. It will inherit whatever is in the HTML <title> element. If that is empty, it will just show the URL. I wasn't sure if you were suggesting something should be done when this element is empty.