Email velocity token

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Level 4

Re: Email velocity token

I want to check empty value in custom objects(field xyz) as well as empty in lead standard ( i.e. not in custom table).

I am not checking non empty for the field xyz property .

And abc field is link id with lead standard in Marketo. which is related with xyz as a child field.

And for empty value in custom objects field xzy I want to display zero and empty value for lead  standard ( i.e. not in custom table). I want to display zero here also.

For, non empty value field xyz I want to display value in email but no checking is needed only display value.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Email velocity token

You just changed your spec: you didn't mention anything about Lead properties before.


In any case, the correct way to check whether a property value is empty is, as noted above:


#if( $someObject.somePropertyName.isEmpty() )


That $someobject could be the built-in $lead or it could be a Custom Object record in your list of Custom Objects, as you're #foreach-ing over the list. When you do 


#foreach( $someItem in $someList )


then, inside the #foreach, $someItem is automatically set to the current record as you iterate, record [0], record [1], record [2], and so on.

Level 4

Re: Email velocity token

Hi San,

I have implemented after that email is getting soft bounced with below error

System send failure: Velocity transform failed: ; The nested exception is: org.apache.velocity.exception.ParseErrorException: Encountered "

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Email velocity token

I have no idea what your full token looks like.


The pointers I've given you are just individual lines, they don't even have closing #end  statements!