I'm working on an email that has a list of providers for each person - each person may have as few as 1 provider or as many as 4.
I was thinking of setting up a table within the email that pulls in these fields for the person, however when I apply it - the people that have less than 4 leads - their email is left with blank spaces below the table.
I'm looking for a recommendation for how to code the email that would collapse the table for people with fewer than 4 as there is content below the table. If I embed it into the code with comma separators, then for those people with less than 4 providers - the content show , , with no provider.
Person 1
{{lead.Provider 1}}
{{lead.Provider 2}}
{{lead.Provider 3}}
{{lead.Provider 4}}
Person 2
{{lead.Provider 1}}
{{lead.Provider 2}}
{{lead.Provider 3}}
Person 3
{{lead.Provider 1}}
Any ideas?
Anytime you need dynamically created elements like this you should go with Velocity. VTL allows complete control over both tokens and their wrapper HTML.