Re: Email template with responsive design

Level 9

Re: Email template with responsive design

Hi Pia,

You can actually download your first template for free. Its the first template on the left when you login in both email and landing pages. No credit card required.

Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 9.05.08 AM.png

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Re: Email template with responsive design

Haha, totally missed that. Thank you!

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Re: Email template with responsive design

Tried out the email and the landing page, and they look great. Your site incredibly easy to use. I will definitely be sharing this with my team.

Level 9

Re: Email template with responsive design

Awesome - glad to hear you liked the experience. We have about 14% of Marketo's customers actively using Knak to make better emails and landing pages. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you out.

Level 10

Re: Email template with responsive design

As a Knak customer, I can confirm that this setup is so easy and I now use all these templates for my emails. And it's even better if you tokenize all the content - you barely have to touch the template ever again.

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Re: Email template with responsive design

I have found a great resource for coding specifics of responsive design. This has some amazing tools. The integration may be a little advanced for some, but want to put it out there, they are FREE!! Unfortunately, they are not built with the Marketo <div>s. those, you will have to plug in with your content.

Responsive Email Patterns  Enjoy.

Level 9

Re: Email template with responsive design

Looks complicated. Marketers shouldn't need to touch HTML in order to make the perfect template they want, IMO.

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Re: Email template with responsive design

I totally agree. I appreciate free templates but I've wasted so much time tweaking HTML and CSS. Knak has all of the divs built in. Really nice stuff, I'm impressed and asking my boss for a subscription.

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Re: Email template with responsive design

You can check the solutions provided by Marketo partners onLaunchpoint for creating responsive emails that are tested across all devices.seg?add=3901497&t=2