Re: Email template breaking in Outlook

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Email template breaking in Outlook

I have an email using a blank template that tests fine in Outlook 2007, 2010 and 2013  when tested in Litmus. When I create a template using the same exact code then create an email using that template Outlook 2007, 2010 and 2013 shred the layout. I've gone over the code multiple times and tested multiple times in Litmus. I still get the same result. When I use the template the email breaks, no template and it holds up?
Anyone ever experience this?
Is there some code that the template adds I'm not aware of?
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Re: Email template breaking in Outlook

Hi David,

How is your template breaking? CSS being stripped out? I have had issues with the templates recently too and just wonder if it's the same probelem.

I been copying the code from the 'Replace HTML' feature and the code broke because it was adding in additional </td> etc.

Happy to help out if I can.


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Re: Email template breaking in Outlook

My css was stil intact but Outlook was totally disregarding all table cell widths. I have finally fixed the issue but I don't really have a great solution. I had to go back in and wrap the main table in a containing table and un-nest my main content into a seperate table. The strangest part was the html was working when not being pulled from a template, then breaking when using the template. Oh Marketo...
Thanks for quick response though, appreciate it.
