I am working in a client Marketo instance where there was a lot of turnover in the past and things weren't set up optimally. The default program statuses for the Email Send Program have been changed but don't seem to have been made use of. I'm trying to remember what the default settings are. I checked another instance and the settings were Member and Engaged - but neither was flagged as "Success." Is that the default? Or does Engaged = Success by default? If so, am I correct in interpresting "Engaged" to mean Opened or Clicked? With our "regular" Email Blast programs, Opened doesn't count as Success. Thanks in advance for any insight!
It is up to you. You need to create the smart campaign that changes the status to "Engaged". We don't do it automatically - only the first status is changed automatically.
Thank you very much! I haven't used the Email Send program very often and was under the impression that the dashboard replaced the need to create program status campaigns. Now that I think about it, I suppose that doesn't make much sense since the default statuses are only Sent and Engaged.