Re: Email Script - trimming leading blank character

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Re: Email Script - trimming leading blank character

Thanks for your help Rajesh. Real knowledgeable resource in case others are looking for help with email scripting or webhooks. Here is the final code.

##check if the Preferred Name is populated and set

#if(${lead.Prefered_First_Name__c} != "")

#set($birthdayfirstname = "${lead.Prefered_First_Name__c}")

##If Preferred Name is blank check if the First Name is populated and set

#elseif(${lead.FirstName} != "")

#set($birthdayfirstname = "${lead.FirstName}")

##If Preferred name and First Name is blank set default


#set($birthdayfirstname = "default")


##print the image name


***When working with email scripting makes sure to eliminate white space within your formatting.

Not applicable

Re: Email Script - trimming leading blank character

Thanks Jason.
