I use email script tokens to access custom object data and inject it into the email.
I can confirm:
Here's a screenshot of the email script: https://prnt.sc/k5atlm
Here's how I'm using it in my HTML: <a href="{{my.Offer Link}}">Test</a>
I've been using this method for months without any issues.
Even more odd, all of my previous campaigns that used this method no longer work either!
Can anyone help me out? Thanks a million.
Samples can't be used to test Velocity that references COs -- so no surprise there.
You should be outputting entire <a> tags (including closing </a> and inner content) from VTL, not just an href, to ensure the link is tracked (that's the only supported way).
However, neither of the above would make a real email (non-sample) fail to query the CO list, if indeed the lead has records in the list.
Since you should wrap the the list reference in an empty check anyway (see https://blog.teknkl.com/script-editor-array-get-index/) why don't you add output for empty/non-empty list and then post the exact results?
I would if I knew how to do that. I'm a novice at email scripting, and have been relying on Marketo's default scripts.
Would doing as you suggest resolve my issue?
Sample code for isEmpty() is in my blog post, should be simple to translate for your list name.
Would doing as you suggest resolve my issue?
It will allow us to diagnose your issue, since you didn't describe what was actually happening at the technical level, only that something wasn't happening.
Any reference to a list should be wrapped in isEmpty() as a matter of course, otherwise you will get Velocity errors (including errors that stop emails from being approved).