I'm fairly new to Velocity, and I'm currently testing out a script token that allows us to swap out the headshot in an email depending on the Lead/Sales Owner. It works great in the desktop inbox, but when I test it on mobile or view it online, the headshot doesn't populate. Does anyone know what could be causing this, and if there's a solution? Thanks!
##check if the lead owner first name is Brita
#if( $lead.Lead_Owner_First_Name == "Brita" )
##if the lead owner first name is Brita, use her headshot'
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/BritaHeadshotInCircle.png")
##check if the lead owner first name is Derek
#elseif( $lead.Lead_Owner_First_Name == "Derek" )
##if the lead owner first name is Derek, use his headshot'
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/DerekHeadshotInCircle2016_60px.png")
##check if the lead owner first name is Molly
#elseif( $lead.Lead_Owner_First_Name == "Molly" )
##if the lead owner first name is Molly, use her headshot'
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/MollyHeadshotInCircle2016.jpg")
##check if the lead owner first name is Steven
#elseif( $lead.Lead_Owner_First_Name == "Steven" )
##if the lead owner first name is Steven, use his headshot'
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/StevenHeadshotInCircle.jpg")
##check if the lead owner first name is Vince
#elseif( $lead.Lead_Owner_First_Name == "Vince" )
##if the lead owner first name is Vince, use his headshot'
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/VinceHeadshotInCircle.jpg")
##check if the lead owner first name is Marc
#elseif( $lead.Lead_Owner_First_Name == "Marc" )
##if the lead owner first name is Marc, use his headshot'
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/MarcHeadshotInCircle.jpg")
##check if the lead owner first name is Brad
#elseif( $lead.Lead_Owner_First_Name == "Brad" )
##if the lead owner first name is Brad, use his headshot'
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/BradHeadshotInCircle2016.jpg")
##otherwise, use the headshot of Tom
#set($image = "pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/TomHeadshotInCircle2016_80x80 %281%29.jpg")
<img src="${image}"></img>
OK, first, Velocity has no awareness of desktop vs. mobile. It will always produce the same output. So it's clear that there's something in the surrounding markup which is not mobile-compatible.
Second, <img> tags are self-closing only in HTML. They must not have a closing </img> tag.
Third, please don't use the if-elseif structure. It makes my head hurt! Use a map, it's shorter and easier to maintain:
"Molly" : "/mollysheadshot.jpg",
"Marc" : "/marcsheadshot123.jpg"
Very helpful - thank you!
I ended up replacing this
<img src="${image}"></img>
with this
<img src="http://pages.linkup.com/rs/458-RJT-465/images/${image}">
and mapping, as you suggested. Adding in the "http://" to the image source URL fixed the mobile and "view online" issues, so I'm thinking it must have been a local file issue.
Thanks for your help!