email script - if field(s) contains a & b, write x

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Level 4

email script - if field(s) contains a & b, write x

I was hoping to solve this problem with segmentation... but realized that I can't, if the user makes multiple choices. But I'm not finding Velocity syntax for what seems like it should be a simple thing:

If person's field contains "a" do "x" ... and a multiple, if contains "a" and "b" . I

This is based off a form with multiple choice checkboxes. That populates a string field with something like "000012; 000015" - if they've checked those two options.

I know ==, I've found ".contains" but I can't seem to figure out "!does NOT contain"

EDIT: I tried this - which didn't work at all, but probably gives a clear picture of what I'm trying to do:

#if ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0001' ) == 1) && ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0002' ) == -1)

#set($assettype = "Chose 1, but not 2 - content")

#elseif ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0001' ) == -1) && ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0002' ) == 1)

#set($assettype = "Chose 2, but not 1 - content")

#elseif ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0001' ) == 1) && ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0002' ) == 1)

#set($assettype = "Chose 1 & 2 - content")

#elseif ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0001' ) == -1) && ( index($lead.resourceChoice1, '0002' ) == -1)

#set($assettype = "Chose None - content")


#set($assettype = "default content")


##print it out



Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: email script - if field(s) contains a & b, write x

Can't just scan the whole string like that, you need to split it on the delimiter.

#set( $resourceChoices = $lead.resourceChoice1.split("; ") )

#if( $resourceChoices.contains("0001") & !$resourceChoices.contains("0002") )

does contain 0001, but not 0002



View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: email script - if field(s) contains a & b, write x

Can't just scan the whole string like that, you need to split it on the delimiter.

#set( $resourceChoices = $lead.resourceChoice1.split("; ") )

#if( $resourceChoices.contains("0001") & !$resourceChoices.contains("0002") )

does contain 0001, but not 0002



Level 4

Re: email script - if field(s) contains a & b, write x

Awesome! That did the trick! I came across something like that, but it seemed like it was for creating an array - and I didn't think what I was doing above was an array.

Is that what I missed? ".contains" is for arrays? or maybe I'm just overthinkin' it?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: email script - if field(s) contains a & b, write x

I came across something like that, but it seemed like it was for creating an array

Yes, splitting a String into an ArrayList -- which is indeed what you want, since you want to treat the String as a collection of values.

".contains" is for arrays? or maybe I'm just overthinkin' it?

String.contains is for Strings, List.contains is for Lists. There's more than one contains method (an infinite number in Java as a whole!).