Re: Email Reports Outside of Program

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Email Reports Outside of Program

When you have an email stored within its own campaign and program under marketing activities you can basically gauge the program's performance by cloning "Email Performance" under Analytics.

If the email is stored as a template outside of the program/campaign, i.e. Design Studio all the report shows is the # of opens/clicks of that email, but doesn't show which program the opens come from. Is there a way to show a similar report with an email stored outside of program.

Here's the scenario:

- Email is stored in design studio
- Campaign/Program in Marketing Activities uses email from design studio
- I want to report not only how many opens/clicks the email gets but also attribute it to the program

An inefficient way of doing so would be to store identical copies of the email within each of the programs. Is there a better way?
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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program

Pretty sure the email tab under the campaign summary will roll those up right for you.
In Marketing Activities, select the campaign, available summary tabs are then Status|Used By|Membership Trend|Members by Week|Email.  Even if the email is in the design studio, pretty sure these numbers are campaign-specific.
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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program


I'm speaking of the Analytics section, not the Marketing Activities. If I wanted to see individual campaign performances, you are correct, but if I want to see all the campaigns that week/month the analytics report isn't showing what I need.

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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program

In that case, should use a Campaign Email Performance report.
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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program

Agreed. But, therein lies my problem. A campaign email performance report only captures emails within the campaign and not emails used outside, i.e. stored in Design Studio as a template.

It'll report on total opens or clicks but not attribute to a campaign. So if I'm using the same email for multiple campaigns, I have no idea which campaign had more email opens.
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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program

Dangit, you're right, sorry.  Looked at one for a particular e to check and thought it was on there, but what I saw was newer and in activities.
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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program


I don't believe there is a way to pull the report you want natively in Marketo. You'd have to do one of the following for the time being:
  • Use a local email for each program
  • Export two files to excel and do a lookup
Perhaps you can file a new idea about this, I'd vote it up.
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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program

That's what I figured. It sucks that I can't get native reporting on the ideal way of using email templates.

Thanks everyone.
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Re: Email Reports Outside of Program

Actually, there's one more thing you can do:

Create a program tag for "clicked email" and use a program performance report to track successes per program, filtering for only programs that are using the same template.

A bit roundabout, but a viable option.

Hope this has helped.