Email reporting

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Email reporting

Here is the situation:

1) Sent emails out 04/1 and 04/02.  I confirmed that emails were sent and delivered in the results tab of the smart campaign.
2) I ran a smart list to gather the names of who opened the email.  It worked and I had 18 opened.


When I run an email performance report or campaign email performance report my emails do not show up!  I double checkd the date filter.

I have run this report before with no problems so very confufused as to what the p[roblem may be.

Any thoughts out there?

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Re: Email reporting

Hi Darren,

Have ensured in the setup that it's looking at all emails, not just one in particular? I'd just make sure someone didn't augment that setting under the Setup tab. Hopefully that helps.

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Re: Email reporting

Not sure that there is enough information here for me to help... Did you select the correct emails on the set-up tab? What happens when you remove the date filter (All Time)?
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Re: Email reporting

I forgot to mention, I resent an email to those who didn't open instead of creating new emails.  So I looked deeper into my report and there is column for date of first activity and date of last activity.  I eventually got the information I was looking for, but not really in format I thought I was going to get.  Thanks Trask and Jeffrey.