Re: Email load time in Outlook

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Email load time in Outlook

We sent an email out to our DB this week and have received multiple complaints - all similar. Im copying one below. My boss has this issue and now our customers are having it. We have 1 image in addition to our logo so it's not a template riddled with complex design; very plain and simple with header and footer and plain text in between. What could be the issue?


I wanted to share some feedback on your emails, and note that it may just be me. For some reason, whenever I get a promotional email from CloudBees, like the one below, it takes a really long time to load in Outlook. On the one below, I double-clicked to open it in Outlook, and it was 30 seconds before the content appeared. It’s so strange compared to every other email that I thought it important to let you know.

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Re: Email load time in Outlook

Size of image. Make sure it's not huge 🙂 

In HTML it will display as maybe only 100X200 pixles. But it might be rendering a 5mb file. If thats the case bring the Resolution down. 🙂