Re: Easiest way to Embed Marketo forms onto our Webpage

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Re: Easiest way to Embed Marketo forms onto our Webpage

wait, a forced refresh? as in hitting f5 or the refresh button on the url bar? Atleast in Firefox the data remains. I just tested your testing and didn't have the same experience. Peer review!
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Re: Easiest way to Embed Marketo forms onto our Webpage

Adam - Very cool. Just the validation I needed. But once you have your form embedded do changes you make to a form in Marketo automatically update the form on the web page? Or do you have to re-post the code?

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Re: Easiest way to Embed Marketo forms onto our Webpage

Unfortunately by removing the text from the marketo landing page requires you to make updates to your website in the event that your form changes. So yes, re-post the code if changes are made to the form.
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Re: Easiest way to Embed Marketo forms onto our Webpage

OK. Thanks Adam.
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Re: Easiest way to Embed Marketo forms onto our Webpage

Adam, we have been using iframes to display our Marketo forms, but recently needed to embed one on an external page.  I followed the instructions on the Put a Marketo Form on a Non-Marketo Page help article, but the resulting formatting was horrid including no red asterisks after the labels indicating required fields.  Also, the help article indicates that you need to use an iframe for progressive profiling and pre-fill. 

So I found this article, inspected your example landing page (thanks for leaving it up there!) and discovered a few style sections that you had included that were not shown in the help article as well as a couple of scripts defining the profiling.  After adding the missing code, the format was perfect, and the profiling and pre-fill worked as well! 

Unfortunately the form's hidden fields that would populate with cookie values when the form is in Marketo are not being populated when using the embedded form :0(  We have the javascript on the page that allows the cookie value to be read, but we need to use a token in the "value=" portion below - does anyone know what that token should be?

<li class='mktField' style="display: none;"><label>utm_medium:</label><span class='mktInput'><input class='mktFormHidden' name="utm_medium" id="utm_medium" type='hidden' value="none" /><span class='mktFormMsg'></span></span></li>