I get some strange behavior for a mktoNumber field I'm using in a template I've built. When I try to update the default number, it states that "the maximum value for this field is 0". (I haven't set a maximum or a minimum for that variable.)
I can set the number to whatever I like and save the changes, so it actually works fine, but I'm concerned I'm going to hear from users. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong with my code?
Sounds like a bug to me if you haven't set the max. File a support ticket and include the details of the template and the variable, please.
Will do. Thanks, Kenny!
Can you send me the support ticket #?
Hey, Justin! The case number is "00695810". James Krager, has ownership over the case, and I've just sent him a link to the template, which is in our sandbox instance.
This is fixed now.
Awesome! Thanks, Justin!