Dynamically populate keyword onto Marketo LPs

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Re: Dynamically populate keyword onto Marketo LPs

If I could control how Google's spiders read a page, I'd be a very rich man

At the end of the day, this technique will not help your Quality Score with more targeted content on your page, as Google's spiders will not read it. It will make your page more tailored to a visitor's initial search results, which may increase conversions, which while not improving your QS (thanks for clearing that up, it is true that conversions aren't used because advertisers can define a conversion as anything, rendering the value of a conversion moot), it should make the VP of Marketing happy.

I did this at a company I was at a couple years ago and just found the page again; feel free to lift the code: ServiceTrade | Dispatch, Scheduling, and Management Software for Service Contractors

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Re: Dynamically populate keyword onto Marketo LPs

Jason -- this is exactly what I was looking for... Thank you for this!

At least I know now that I can pull the URI parameters to replace text on the page... Now to increase QS? That's going to be another topic to tackle at a later time...

Thank you for answering my question!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamically populate keyword onto Marketo LPs

I did this at a company I was at a couple years ago and just found the page again; feel free to lift the code: ServiceTrade | Dispatch, Scheduling, and Management Software for Service Contractors

Cool stuff!

Regexp in the URL parser isn't anchored tightly enough, though: if the query string is ?secondaryIndustry=beef&industry=fish and you seek industry, it'll return "beef".

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Re: Dynamically populate keyword onto Marketo LPs

I only tested it against my requirements...others may need to experiment with the dark magic that is writing RegEx to get the desired result . Sanford Whiteman​, you going to be at Summit? If so, stop by the TPG booth, I want to meet you!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamically populate keyword onto Marketo LPs

you going to be at Summit? If so, stop by the TPG booth, I want to meet you!

Alas, no.  I'll be in NYC if you ever pass through, though!