Dynamic links custom objects breaking

Level 3

Dynamic links custom objects breaking


Links are breaking when trying to pull from custom object, the code is within a FOR LOOP - for testing purposes I have reduced the code. Anyone have any ideas why the links are breaking?

Working URL outside FOR/IF LOOP, pulling link from custom object(DynamicCustomObjectList) : ${DynamicCustomObjectList.get(1).URL_1}

Links not working when inside FOR loop:

#foreach( $co_record in $DynamicCustomObjectList)
   <a href="https://${co_record.URL_1}">CLICK ME</a>
   <a href="https://uk.website.com/${co_record.URL_1}">CLICK ME TO</a>
   <a href="https://$co_record.URL_1">CLICK ME AGAIN</a>


Output link break: https://%24%7Bco_record.url_1%7D/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkRoak5qTTNNREl6WVRaaSIsInQiOiJDVVwvZmlrSWpzUEgrdjlYV2VvMENHME5PZG0xcThHQVd3TEp4Y3l4WEJERXUrMlwvTUQ0TjdqNGE1WTNGa1RPUUgwbDh2VFlKeWc5dTdRMEM3YXRPZFd2VlVyUGlPSE4zc25WRCtiQThjWHg4b1FzcFB0b2VRUStsMjVwZVBlTGVvIn0%3D

The code is in an email script token, which then is added to a snippet and from that called into an email.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

Level 3

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

At the moment I'm not totally comfortable with Velocity scripting.

Is it possible to help with the example code provided?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

#foreach( $co_record in $DynamicCustomObjectList )
#set( $currentURLNoProto = $co_record.URL_1 )
#foreach( $link in [1..3] )
#evaluate( "${esc.h}set( ${esc.d}URL_${foreach.parent.count}_${foreach.count} = ${esc.d}currentURLNoProto )" )
#if( $URL_1_1 )
<a href="https://${URL_1_1}">CLICK ME</a>
#if( $URL_1_2 )
<a href="https://uk.website.com/${URL_1_2}">CLICK ME TOO</a>
#if( $URL_1_3 )
<a href="https://${URL_1_3}">CLICK ME AGAIN</a>
#if( $URL_2_1 )
<a href="https://${URL_2_1}">CLICK ME</a>
#if( $URL_2_2 )
<a href="https://uk.website.com/${URL_2_2}">CLICK ME TOO</a>
#if( $URL_2_3 )
<a href="https://${URL_2_3}">CLICK ME AGAIN</a>

As noted in the blog post, because of Marketo's peculiarities when introspecting the data for links, you must preallocate individual variables (not properties) for each possible link.

Level 3

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

Thanks Sanford! That helped loads.

There is a little issue, I have six links in the custom object to pick up but the code above only pulling the same link for each.

 ##set($co_record.URL_1 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_1)
##set($co_record.URL_2 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_2)
##set($co_record.URL_3 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_3)
##set($co_record.URL_4 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_4)
##set($co_record.URL_5 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_5)
##set($co_record.URL_6 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_6)

Is there a way to pull each link?

Thanks again,


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

Please highlight your code using the Advanced Editor's syntax highlighter.

Then we'll continue.

Level 3

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

Sorry, new to using the discussion.

I have 6 links within the CO which need pulling in, the example you gave seems to pull only URL_1 - is there a way to use the code you had provided and pull all 6 links?

Below is how I had set it up but links broke.

   #set($co_record.URL_1 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_1)
   #set($co_record.URL_2 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_2)
   #set($co_record.URL_3 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_3)
   #set($co_record.URL_4 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_4)
   #set($co_record.URL_5 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_5)
   #set($co_record.URL_6 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_6)


For example each link was added as - 


   <a href="https://$co_record.URL_1&CMP=e-email-tracking" target="_blank"><img src="$co_record.Image_1" width="100" style="border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px; margin:0px;    border-spacing:0; display:block;"/></a>

   <a href="https://$co_record.URL_2&CMP=e-email-tracking" target="_blank"><img src="$co_record.Image_2" width="100" style="border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px; margin:0px;    border-spacing:0; display:block;"/></a>

   <a href="https://$co_record.URL_3&CMP=e-email-tracking" target="_blank"><img src="$co_record.Image_3" width="100" style="border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px; margin:0px;    border-spacing:0; display:block;"/></a>

Hope you can help.



Level 3

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

#set( $currentURLNoProto = $co_record.URL_1 )
#foreach( $link in [1..3] )
#evaluate( "${esc.h}set( ${esc.d}URL_${foreach.parent.count}_${foreach.count} = ${esc.d}currentURLNoProto )" )

#set($daysRemaining = $math.abs($daysRemaining))

##set($co_record.URL_1 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_1)
##set($co_record.URL_2 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_2)
##set($co_record.URL_3 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_3)
##set($co_record.URL_4 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_4)
##set($co_record.URL_5 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_5)
##set($co_record.URL_6 = $DynamicCustomObjectList.URL_6)

#if($convert.toInteger($daysRemaining) < 5 && $co_record.SendID == "Pattern Breakers Engineer")

<table id="bodyContent" class="innertable2" align="center" width="600" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color:#ffffff;">

<td valign="top"><table width="100%" style="font-size: 3px;">
<td> </td>
<td rowspan="6"><img src="http://planet.farnell.com/email/newtemplate/email_assets/spacer.gif" width="2" height="10" class="spacer"/></td>
<td rowspan="6" style="background-color:#e4e4e4;"><img src="http://planet.farnell.com/email/newtemplate/email_assets/spacer.gif" width="4" height="1"/></td>
<td rowspan="6"><img src="http://planet.farnell.com/email/newtemplate/email_assets/spacer.gif" width="2" height="10" class="spacer"/></td>
<td valign="top"><table width="100%" style="font-size: 3px;">
<td> </td>
<td valign="top"><table width="289" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" class="innertable3">
<td >
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
<tr >
<table width="15%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" class="w100">
<td> <a href="https://${URL_1_1}" target="_blank">

<img src="$co_record.Image_1" width="100" style="border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px; margin:0px; border-spacing:0; display:block;"/></a>



<table width="15%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" class="w100">
<td> <a href="https://$co_record.URL_2" target="_blank">

<img src="$co_record.Image_2" width="100" style="border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px; margin:0px; border-spacing:0; display:block;"/></a>


Some sample code above utilizing code you provided, but link only pulling from $URL_1 CO field, I need to pull from  $URL_2, $URL_3 etc..

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamic links custom objects breaking

You can pull from as many different properties as you want. Just follow the same pattern of creating a variable by evaluate-ing dynamic code.

In your example, you used the property .URL_1 three times, and you didn't refer to other properties.