Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

Level 2

Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

Hi there,

I have recently created an engagement drip and nurture program.for our developers.Currently active right now is one stream, where new leads get added to the program when the email is released.

So far the:

1. first email was an introduction to our developer website

2. Second email is for users to download a free trial with links to the website,

3.Third email is an educational email for training and certification and then

4. the fourth email is for them to sign up to our monthly newsletter of that developer program

As you can see below there are three other streams.

Fast Behaviour Score Stream - I will be adding thought leadership content (rather than salesy content although we want to get them to attend events or be guided towards conversations with other devs at these events for them to maybe consider using our software and asking their main decision maker for why they should get it) for active Developer users based on behaviour score - How do most people do this in terms of MQL or lead score or does it vary company to company?

Slow Behaviour Score - Add content for slow active users who aren't quite ready yet - this content would be Educational value rather than selling our main product - Only dev ‘tech’ Content.would be a cadence of every 5 weeks - with 6 emails?

Met Goal - The end goal us to move people who have met the goal criteria. It may be MQL, a certain lead score, or level of engagement - How can I do this based on transition rules and working with sales? How should sales we involved in this whole process?

For transitions between streams, I would probably prefer an outside smart campaign with the flow step of 'change engagement program stream' as this allows you to run a batch whereas transition rules require a trigger. But how does this work with lead scoring or level of engagement?

How do you add transition rules so that it is automated for when someone reaches a certain lead score or behaviour so they move to a particular stream? When do you typically remove someone from the program or when would you move them to my 'Met goal' stream? When sales close the deal?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

Wow, there's lots of questions in there. I'm not sure I'll hit all of them but here's some thoughts:

Avoid using Transition Rules to manage transitions between streams - as you've noted, use Smart Campaigns instead in the Nurture program to better control your transitions (very simple trigger-based transitions can use transition rules, I just prefer the SC flexibility). Use "Behavior Score" or "Lead Score" field is greater than a specific value as your smart list (or if you need to do it real time, a Score is Changed trigger) and Change Engagement Program Stream flow step as you've indicated if you want to change streams based on a score value.

A lot of the other questions are entirely dependent on your company. You would move them to "Goal Met" when they meet the goal! But you need to define that, and you'd generally define that with your sales team. However, I would stress that the goal of every nurture is not closing the deal. You can build nurtures that are a success simply if they move people from one part of the the lifecycle to the next - that's the beauty of Marketo, it's so flexible you get to define what that goal is. First I'd define your lifecycle, then define where this nurture fits in your lifecycle and the purpose of it. Is it to sell? To get a demo? To move them to MQL status? What's the point? Every program needs to have a purpose, a measure of success, Nurture is no different. The content itself must suggest a particular goal for you.

Level 2

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

After you’ve defined your lifecycle, are aligned with sales on a definition of MQL, and zeroed in on the purpose of your nurture (everything Veronica has said), here’s how you can go about transitioning people between streams.

This scenario is assuming your ‘Met Goal’ (MQL score threshold) is 100 points. People will be pulled into the:

  • ‘Slow behavior score’ stream if their person score changes to between 0-49 points
  • ‘Fast – behavior score’ stream if their person score changes to between 50-99 points
  • ‘Met goal’ stream if their person score changes to greater than 100 points

Here’s how you can go about setting up your smart campaigns:

Smart Campaign #1 = Add to Slow Stream

Score is Changed trigger with a Member of Engagement Program filter (select your engagement program), like this:

add to slow stream.png

For your flow step use the Change Engagement Program Stream, like this:

add to slow stream - flow.png

Smart Campaign #2 = Add to Fast Stream

Use the same smart list as campaign #1. But change your range to 50-99

Flow step = Change Engagement Program Stream to ‘Fast – behavior score’

Smart Campaign #3 = Add to Met Goal Stream

Use the same smart list as campaign #1. But change your range to greater than 100

Flow step = Change Engagement Program Stream to ‘Met goal’

add to Met Goal stream.png

Hope this helps!

Level 2

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

Hi Veronica and Nick,

Thank you for your advice - very helpful .

Everything you mentioned below is definitely what I want in terms of points.

  • ‘Slow behavior score’ stream if their person score changes to between 0-49 points
  • ‘Fast – behavior score’ stream if their person score changes to between 50-99 points
  • ‘Met goal’ stream if their person score changes to greater than 100 points

Once people have 'Met Goal' status (They are a customer/in conversations with sales) - I would like to place them into a 'Loyalty drip and nurture engagement program' for expansion - I was thinking this would be built as a different drip and nurture engagement program (separate from the one above we have discussed). How would you get the people who 'met goal' into that engagement program?

We want to keep them as existing customers. Any ideas?


Level 2

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

Glad you found it helpful!

I’d be hesitant lumping both “in conversation with sales” and “ they are a customer” as ‘Met Goal’ if you’re taking the approach of ‘Met Goal’ = MQL. These are 2 separate stages in a leads lifecycle.

‘Met Goal’ (MQL) can be when your sales team begins outreach. While customer will be a later stage in the lifecycle.

Perhaps you can take the route of building a separate Engagement Program for customers (and only include customers in it, not MQLs)?

You’ll have a smart campaign that ads people to this newly created ‘Customer Engagement Program’. The whole point of it will be to add people to your 'Loyalty drip program' after they become a customer. It can look something like this:

Smart List




You can consider having separate streams for different customers depending on their use case?


Level 2

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

Thanks! . So one stream for 'Met goal' for in conversation with sales. Yes I agree, building a separate Engagement Program for customers (and only include customers in it, not MQLs).

I had a question: for the 'Welcome + Onboarding' stream - to add them to the different streams (Fast behaviour score, Slow, met goal ect. Tomorrow is the last email cadence (Email 4) of that stream *New net leads get pulled into this on a sunday - What do I do now to ensure they get moved into the appropriate stream (Currently my team have nothing written yet) so these people in 'Welcome and onboarding will just be sat there.

How soon will we ideally have to have content written by? We have also added leads to this 'welcome and onboarding stream' that attended a dev event and I added 'attended' and 'ondemand webinar' leads from a successful related webinar that is related to this topic, which means we won't be stopping or pausing this.


Many thanks.

Level 2

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

It's probably best if you create a separate post as we’re veering away from your initial question re: transitioning leads between streams

“What do I do now to ensure they get moved into the appropriate stream (Currently my team have nothing written yet) so these people in 'Welcome and onboarding will just be sat there?”

When you’re ready, you can run batch campaigns using the same logic as the 3 smart campaigns, but instead of using the Score is Changed trigger you’ll simply filter on person score.

"How soon will we ideally have to have content written by?"

From the perspective of adding people to these streams based on score, it doesn't matter when the content is created. Whenever you have your content ready you run these batch campaigns to place people into the correct stream. For example, if you don’t get the other stream's content for another 2 weeks just run the batch at that time. Doing this will place people that have been added to your engagement program over the next 2 Sundays into the correct stream.


Level 2

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

Hi Nick,

Thank you so much for your insight. I will have a work on this sometime this week.


Level 2

Re: Drip and Nurture - Transition rules between streams

You're welcome Lizzie! Please feel free to mark my first post as correct so that the thread shows up as 'resolved' in the community.
