Re: Double Entering Text Field

Not applicable

Double Entering Text Field

For some reason when I'm entering text into the text tab at the bottom of the email editor 2.0 and then switch to the HTML tab, the text field in both place is being overridden and the formatting is not working. I'm having to go back and DOUBLE enter text in the HTML Text Field AND the TEXT Tab. Anyone else ever seen this before? It's very frustrating. I'm having to do work twice. Please note that I'm not copying from HTML, and the auto-setting for this in the Text Editor tab is NOT set to do this either.

Level 10

Re: Double Entering Text Field

Hi Josh,

What template are you using?


Not applicable

Re: Double Entering Text Field


I'm using a template that my company created. I use notepad to remove any formatting when I'm transitioning from the excel or word document to Marketo so that shouldn't be causing any issues. Do you think it's something with the way the template was created? What do you think the issue(s) could be?



Level 10

Re: Double Entering Text Field

It could be linked to bugs in your template indeed. For instance, if you have nested editable elements, duplicate ID's or unclosed HTML tags in the template, the editor will try to fix these, but the result might provide weird results.

Hard to tell more without looking at the code, and this would go beyond what can be done from within the community.


Level 10

Re: Double Entering Text Field

And also, just in case, I would log a support ticket. They will not fiw the template for you, but they might be able to point you in the right direction.
