Does syncing an old program to SFDC alter the date member added field?

Level 1

Does syncing an old program to SFDC alter the date member added field?

We want to go back and retroactively sync old Marketo programs to Salesforce. Would doing this edit the Salesforce date the member was added to the campaign to be the date that the sync occurred, or would this remain the date the member originally was added to the Marketo program? Any info about retroactive syncing of campaigns between Marketo and Salesforce would be helpful.

Level 2

Re: Does syncing an old program to SFDC alter the date member added field?

If the member is already in the SFDC campaign then the original date that they became a member won't change. However, it may have the update date changed.

Level 1

Re: Does syncing an old program to SFDC alter the date member added field?

Hi Anita, 

Just to clarify, we have not created the SFDC campaigns yet, so these people are not currently members of the SFDC campaign. If we create a new SFDC campaign and sync the Marketo program to the new SFDC campaign, will these members who were added to the Marketo program 6 months ago have a member added date of today, the sync day? Or, would the date they became a member of the campaign be the original date that they became a member of the Marketo program 6 months ago?


Level 2

Re: Does syncing an old program to SFDC alter the date member added field?

If they are new to the SFDC campaign then it will have the date that it goes over to SFDC and not the date that it was added in the Marketo program. If you want to have the exact date to be correct, I would contact my SFDC admin to see if it would be possible to use a dataloader to import those campaign members with the correct original member added date. 

Unfortunately, SFDC does the data automatically with the sync.