Does Marketo support Chinese characters?

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Does Marketo support Chinese characters?

Does Marketo support double byte entry?
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Re: Does Marketo support Chinese characters?


Did you make sure if the character code used in your importing list is "UTF-8"?

I encounterd the same problem when my first import of a list in Chinese-Character.
And here's the steps we always use to import a list in Chinese-Character( here in Japan,though....).

I always create a list on MS Excel at the first step.
So you might adapt these Step 1~3 to your favorite tools for list organizing and there might be a anonther better solution.
  1. Create a list to import on MS Excel(or some other  spreadsheet).
  2. Select the "Save As.." Option from "File" menu.
  3. Name the File and Save the file as a comma separated CSV file.
  4. Open the comma separated CSV file created in the previous step(3).
  5. Select the "Save As.." Option from "File" menu.
  6. Name the File and specify "UTF-8" on the dialog and "Save".
  7. Now give it a try to import the List File
I reccomend to try first on your sandbox if you have.
I hope this will help.

View solution in original post

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Re: Does Marketo support Chinese characters?

If you're asking about landing pages and emails, I haven't experienced any issues. We have several emails and landing pages in Chinese and haven't experienced any compatibility issues.
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Re: Does Marketo support Chinese characters?

Thanks, Kristen.

I tried to import a list in Chinese and Marketo does not recognise the Chinese characters so it's all dashes and blanks.

Any suggestions?

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Re: Does Marketo support Chinese characters?


Did you make sure if the character code used in your importing list is "UTF-8"?

I encounterd the same problem when my first import of a list in Chinese-Character.
And here's the steps we always use to import a list in Chinese-Character( here in Japan,though....).

I always create a list on MS Excel at the first step.
So you might adapt these Step 1~3 to your favorite tools for list organizing and there might be a anonther better solution.
  1. Create a list to import on MS Excel(or some other  spreadsheet).
  2. Select the "Save As.." Option from "File" menu.
  3. Name the File and Save the file as a comma separated CSV file.
  4. Open the comma separated CSV file created in the previous step(3).
  5. Select the "Save As.." Option from "File" menu.
  6. Name the File and specify "UTF-8" on the dialog and "Save".
  7. Now give it a try to import the List File
I reccomend to try first on your sandbox if you have.
I hope this will help.
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Re: Does Marketo support Chinese characters?

Dear Kuniko,

Thanks! I do not have UTF-8 so I used UTF-16 and that solved my import problem too. Much appreciated!

kind regards,
Level 2

Re: Does Marketo support Chinese characters?

How are you working with the anti-spam laws in China?  It seems every lead would need to have opted-in and you would need to put [AD] in the subject line. And this all assumes it doesn't get blocked.  How have you addressed these laws and how successfully have your campaigns been?
