Did you make sure if the character code used in your importing list is "UTF-8"?
I encounterd the same problem when my first import of a list in Chinese-Character.
And here's the steps we always use to import a list in Chinese-Character( here in Japan,though....).
I always create a list on MS Excel at the first step.
So you might adapt these Step 1~3 to your favorite tools for list organizing and there might be a anonther better solution.
Create a list to import on MS Excel(or some other spreadsheet).
Select the "Save As.." Option from "File" menu.
Name the File and Save the file as a comma separated CSV file.
Open the comma separated CSV file created in the previous step(3).
Select the "Save As.." Option from "File" menu.
Name the File and specify "UTF-8" on the dialog and "Save".
Now give it a try to import the List File
I reccomend to try first on your sandbox if you have.
I hope this will help.