Re: Does anyone have a work around for a wait until the x of the month in a wait step?

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Level 10

Re: Does anyone have a work around for a wait until the x of the month in a wait step?

I just encountered another curve ball with my project.  Everything is working fine with my campaign above and i was able to get it to work:


email 1 - welcome letter

email 2 - website login instructions 1 hour later, same day.
The reason for the 20th day of the month is because new trial subscribers usually get an email from the editor for the current issue of a publication. 

email 3 - 1st publication access follow up trial #1- on 20th day of month

email 4 - 2nd publication access follow up trial #2 - on 20th day of month

email 5 - trial has ended - continue subscrption now,  login access terminated - 1 week after email 4

email 6 - last chance to continue subscription, reactivate login access - 1 week after email 5. 

remove from campaign add to trial effort #3.
Trial Effort #3 will recycle them. 

However, the big problem is that our publication for July is a July/August issue.  So in August 20 no email should go out.  What can I do to fix the campaign so no one will get the email #3 (old content) or #4 twice?  

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Re: Does anyone have a work around for a wait until the x of the month in a wait step?

Michelle, before the July email is sent, you could temporarily change the wait time to 2 months in the wait flow action that occurs after the July email send flow action.  Immediately after the July email is sent, you should change the wait time back to 1 month and those that are already in the 2 month wait will not be affected. 

To make this more automatic, you would likely need to set up a much more sophisticated set of smart campaigns with a traffic cop smart campaign that would check for the date an email was sent and apply different wait times.  The new customer engagement module may allow this to be handled more elegantly.
Level 10

Re: Does anyone have a work around for a wait until the x of the month in a wait step?

Thank you Elliott. I thought about adding an extra wait step of 1 month and then deleting that one after July, but I wasn't sure if that's going to work as opposed to the one you suggested above.  What do you think?
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Re: Does anyone have a work around for a wait until the x of the month in a wait step?

As a heads up, we now have the ability to set engagement streams based on the day of the month with the new Customer Engagement Engine -
Level 10

Re: Does anyone have a work around for a wait until the x of the month in a wait step?

Rick, thanks for direting me to the link above for setting up the stream. 
Not applicable

Re: Does anyone have a work around for a wait until the x of the month in a wait step?

no problemo!