Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Level 3

Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?


Does anybody know if Marketo forms work properly behind the Chinese firewall? We plan on using a domain from within China so that we aren't blocked by their firewall but we are wondering if Marketo forms and landing pages will work properly in that situation.


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Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Stephen Jeong

FYI: Moving to Products and Support because this is more of a product related questions

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Even if you run a web server in China, your Marketo forms will not be posting to the China side of the Great Firewall (I think you may understand that already).

Our Mkto LPs and forms hosted in California are currently accessible from mainland China and I don't think we've had a problem in the last couple of years. But this could certainly change, since the GF constantly augments its content rules.  If they tag something subversive on a given Mkto page, other tenants on that same instance naturally would be punished as well.  That said, as long as is available​ that's a good sign.

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Hi Stephen

we've been using full Marketo functionality (forms, lp's etc) in China for over 5 years now and never had any issues with the firewall. As long as you are not publishing any politically sensitive content, there shouldn't be any problems



Level 3

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Thanks Inya.

So you've never had leads mention that they can't download your assets?

We host our whitepapers in Marketo and so when a lead fills out a form, they are directed to the Marketo URL to view/download the whitepaper. But my marketing manager in China just sent me a message saying that some of the leads are saying that they can't download the asset.

Does that sound familiar at all?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Did you check the download URL at some of the Chinese firewall lookup sites?

What is the URL of the form so we can look at it?

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Hi Stephen,

never experienced anything like that with whitepapers, the only thing I can think of is that we did have a problem with some of the videos hosted on non-Chinese platforms not playing or playing extremely slow in China. We switched to hosting them on Ali Cloud to solve this problem - 阿里云-打造数据分享第一平台

You can potentially use Ali Cloud servers to host other files you are having problems with in China, their service is pretty great.

I still find it strange that only some of your whitepapers are not available, usually if they blacklist you, none of your content should be available.

Let me know if that helps!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Did you try class="mktNoTrack" to isolate the problem?

Not applicable

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Hi Iryna - My team in Singapore supports our marketers in China.  We are finding that email delivery is generally reliable in China but as of this week we are having an issue with Landing Page access.  When clicking from an Email to the Landing Page - when the Click to our Landing page ( redirects to  the landing Page is blocked.  Are you experiencing anything like this recently. I have opened a ticket with Marketo but I'm not sure i will get any help because the issue can only be replicated from within China.

I would appreciate any perspective or experience you can relay.  Regards,

Kristen Petersen

Director, Marketing Operations

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Do Marketo forms work behind Chinese firewall?

Kristen, do you see this problem if you add the class "mktNoTrack" to your links, i.e. bypassing the JavaScript redirect?