Do email changes affect already send and delivered emails?

Level 5

Do email changes affect already send and delivered emails?

when i change and approve landing page, it's changed
is this true for email template and email texts after email blast has been sent?

is there a way to do change email after it was sent?
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Re: Do email changes affect already send and delivered emails?

There is no way to change an email once it is out.

Think of a postal service: you post a letter. It is delivered to the addressee. At this point in time you have very limited options - if any - to recover the letter to amend it. 

Invalid links can be easily circumvented, resourcing to Admin - Landing Pages - Rules. 

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Re: Do email changes affect already send and delivered emails?

You can still change assets such as the calendar token and any materials (white papers, etc) you may have up loaded to Marketo and use in the email. But those that already dl'ed or added to calendar have the old version.