Re: Display Value vs Stored Value in Forms

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Display Value vs Stored Value in Forms

Hi there,

I'm having trouble understanding how to tie stored values in forms back to a lead's profile. I have built a preference center page with a form that has three radio buttons. This form asks leads how often they would like to receive emails from us. One of the radio buttons is "Once a week" for the display value. When a lead indicated this preference and submits the form, I want to convert them to a Subscriber, which means I'd like that their Subscriber field checkbox will be checked on their Custom Lead Profile page.

How do I build in this functionality to point a form selection to perform an action on a field?


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Level 10

Re: Display Value vs Stored Value in Forms

Mike, is there more than one subscription option within the radio buttons? I'm assuming that there are multiple frequencies based on the fact that there are 3 options, so it sounds like you're also going to want to retain their frequency selection. I'd suggest a smart campaign listening for that form fillout, and if the radio button they select relates to "subscription", then do a change data value for the subscriber checkbox on their custom lead page.

I've also had some trouble with display value and stored value on the forms, so I keep both of the values the same. Probably something I should reach out to support about...

Hope this helps!
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Re: Display Value vs Stored Value in Forms

Hi Dory,

Thanks for the quick answer! That's what I figured I had to do but wasn't sure if there was another way. You are correct in assuming there are two other subscription options. I will build out 3 smart campaigns to listen for preference updates.

Thanks again!
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Re: Display Value vs Stored Value in Forms

One more question. When I create the smart campaign that listens for the form fillout, how do I write the smart list to listen for the form fill out AND trigger an action based on the specific field filled out in the form?
Level 10

Re: Display Value vs Stored Value in Forms

Within the flow steps you can add constraints, so you could say for a data value change "If frequency is weekly, change subscriber to true" If frequency isn't weekly, then it won't make the checkbox for subscriber true. 
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Re: Display Value vs Stored Value in Forms

Hi Mike,
maybe "Data Value Changes" is easier and you can add a Constraint "New Value is". Could be a combination of Form+Data Value or just the Data Value.

Best regards
