Re: Details of A/B Subject Test functions: champion and list setup

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Details of A/B Subject Test functions: champion and list setup

I am planning to A/B test two different subject lines. I like the new simple setup to do this in the Email action but it's so simple it leaves me with a lot of questions:
1. I had to put a Champion subject line in the setup but I want the 'Champion' to be the subject line that has the most opens during the test. So I used the 'Champion' as one of the Challengers. Will this work? 
2. I don't really care about the report part of this so much as I care about the timing on when the Champion email is sent. I am hoping the Report time I selected will somehow match up with when the Champion is sent to the other 85% of my list. Is that the case?
3. By using the A/B subject line setup in the email, does that mean I do not need to setup a random sample to split my list? 

Thanks for any insights!!
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Re: Details of A/B Subject Test functions: champion and list setup

1. No, just list each subject line once, or you'll have two tests of one subject line. The champion will be decided at the end of the test period & the remaining emails will be sent out. 
2. You can do that, just set the report to go out at the same time you've specified the test to end.
3. That is true, no random sample needed.