Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

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Deleting TEST engagement programs?

I cloned a TEST engagement program to test a different setup, but now I want to delete it, and of course it's telling me I can't delete it because some of the assets are in use.. it won't let me remove those assets from the test engagement program, the forms etc are active in live programs.  Is there a way I can remove them from JUST this engagement program so I can delete my test engagement program?
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Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

You can remove content from the stream (is this where it is getting hung up?) and you should also make sure there are no smart campaigns that are adding leads to the engagement program, etc.
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Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

No, I've already removed all the content from the stream, and I'm trying to delete the whole "cloned" program altogether.  It's saying that there are assets in use elsewhere - a form that is live in an active program is cloned into this test engagement program.  It's under the assets folder under the test nurture program, it won't let me remove it.

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Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

This sounds like a bug.  Can you send a link to the engagement program so I can take a look?
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Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

This bug is fixed in our October release, which is Friday.  You shoudl be able to delete programs moving forward.
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Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

Having a similar issue where I can't delete a cloned webinar program. I get this error: "these assets are in use elsewhere or not delectable." But when I click into the program, there is nothing more to delete.

Level 10

Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

Hi Clark,

Is there anything in the Program's Used By view?  That's the most common hangup when trying to delete a program.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

I'm having similar issues in deleting an event program.  All assets are local - yet I'm unable to delete until I remove the forms from the landing pages.  If everything's local, shouldn't I be able to delete the entire program?


Level 2

Re: Deleting TEST engagement programs?

I am having this similar issue but with an email program. I checked the used by menu item and there is a weird empty smartlist that was created and can't be deleted. Looks to be auto created, since i didn't make this smartlist. Any advice on what to do?