Re: Default Program limitation || How many Email programs can be nested within a default program

Level 1

Default Program limitation || How many Email programs can be nested within a default program

Does anyone know if there is a limit to how many email programs can be nested within a default program?


I've heard something about 1000 assets per program, but not sure if this is accurate or not.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Default Program limitation || How many Email programs can be nested within a default program

My first question is why would you want to have so many assets in a single default program, let alone nested email programs? Would love to understand your use case.

Level 1

Re: Default Program limitation || How many Email programs can be nested within a default program

We have several newsletters that are sent weekly, with new email content each week. We want to use the recipient time zone feature, which requires creating a separate email program for each send. The reason I thought of nesting them under a default program is for keeping all newsletters organised in one place. For instance,  one default program for Newsletter A, another one for Newsletter B and so on.


However, since reporting is done outside of Marketo, we must not delete the email programs to ensure that the reporting tool retains the email metrics. If we were to delete anything from marketo, it will be lost on the reporting tool.  

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Default Program limitation || How many Email programs can be nested within a default program

That does make sense, but can be achieved with a logical folder structure. I am not sure what value a default program would offer over regular folders. If you are using top-level tokens that you want to use across all newsletter A's, you can do that with a folder too. The only use case would be to monitor a higher-level success metric of a person engaging in a specific way across the series of newsletters by stamping a success program status at the level of the Default program, but that sounds like a bit of a reach.

I would not complicate matters and set up a robust folder structure to organize your email send programs.