Default page for subdomain

Not applicable

Default page for subdomain

Becuase of the Fallback functionality, anytime someone tries to navigate directly to our Marketo subdomain ( they get redirected to our main website:

This would be fine in most cases - except, two search engines in Korea (Naver and Daum) verify the domain landing pages are hosted on by navigating to the root of that domain.  So when they try to check they get redirected and reject the landing pages.

Is there a configuration change that will allow us to set a default page that will display when people navigate to instead of being redirected?
Tags (1)
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Re: Default page for subdomain

In the admin section you can define the fallback page - sounds like you have done this as the www. site. You should also be able to create a default page that in essence is at and have the IT team on the corp site also put a DNS entry for it that pushes where you want it - basically a way for those other search engines to actually find an actual page that is on domain - and in the event of an failure where fallback is required your DNS can route them to an inside page.

Worth a test.
Level 1

Re: Default page for subdomain

Any Update?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Default page for subdomain

Original poster is deactivated (as are others on the thread). What are you concerned about exactly?

Level 1

Re: Default page for subdomain

In our case, we seem to have multiple domains pointed to our maketo instance, but I can only set the landing page backup redirect but not for anything else, is this normal? I did not originally configure our setup it was inherited but they didn't do it like I have done my previous instances.  

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Default page for subdomain

Every Domain Alias gets its own fallback.


Not applicable

Re: Default page for subdomain

Thanks for the response.  Floks I have asked about entering a DNS entry say I can't specify a particular page – just a domain.


I think this needs to be configured on the http server is Marketo's since we set up the redirect???

Level 2

Re: Default page for subdomain

Any update here? Sounds like one reason not to publish content using the subdomain landing pages and rather host everything on your site directly.