Re: Dedupe mass records

Not applicable

Re: Dedupe mass records

Hi Joanna,

I've recently joined Marketo's consulting team and I can now officially confirm that, as my previous research suggested, there is no way to mass dedupe in Marketo alone without purchasing our EasyMerge service. If you're using DemandTools to delete dupes in SFDC then you can set up a trigger campaign in Marketo to delete these leads from Marketo as well. Do you have MKTO and SFDC completely synced (all leads)?
Not applicable

Re: Dedupe mass records

Thanks for the quick response David! No, we use Marketo as our Marketing database and SFDC as our acquisition and retention database. All contacts in SFDC are in Marketo, but not the other way around. This helps us keep SFDC clean while nurturing less sales ready leads. My problem, is that when we import a list of leads into Marketo, it is not automatically deduping it off the existing database so we end with a lot of duplicates. I'm slowly working my way through them all manually, I was just wondering if there was a different way of going about it.
Not applicable

Re: Dedupe mass records

Yeah, unfortunately not. List imports should not be creating duplicates in Marketo, btw...
Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Dedupe mass records

I will say we've used Marketo's EasyMerge to dedupe our Marketo and in turn clean up our exisitng SFDC database while we're searching for the perfect SFDC dedupe tool. I would definitely recommend EasyMerge. It works really well and once it's done, we've discovered as long as we stay on top of it, the dupes from form fills and such are easily managed. We get about 30 duplicates to merge each day, but our database person basically does that as their first thing each morning and it takes about 15-20 minutes.