Re: Date Token

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Date Token

Is it possible to create a token to display the following Month? 

Im trying to send a reminder email, that lets the recipient know their payment is due on the1st of the following month. 

For example

"Your payment is due on <Insert Month> 1st."

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Re: Date Token

Hi Danny,
Yes! This is possible. Simply create a MyToken within your program.

Instructions to do this can be found here:

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Re: Date Token

I want this email to send out automatically every month, dynamically updating the month the payment is due. When I create my token, it only allows me to pick one specific date. Is there a way to set my token to update the month atutomatically?

For example in Jaunary I want to send out an email that says "Your payment is due on Feburary 1st."

And then in Feburary it will automatically send out an email saying "Your payment is due on March 1st."
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Re: Date Token

I see! 

This is not possible with Marketo tokens currently. 

If you do set up a My.token, it will expediate the process as you will not have to go into the email to edit it. You can simply go to the My tokens tab and update it when the month changes.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Date Token

Danny - are you using a CRM? You could potentially create a formula field that calculates the month value based on another value (expiry date for instance) in your CRM.

Because Marketo has trouble reading formula fields in the CRM, you would then need an additional field so that the CRM could post the calculated month value to it, so that Marketo could pick it up. You would just run this calculation as a batch every 24 hours (or more, or less). I know I used to do this in Salesforce all the time.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Date Token

Apologies - left off the important bit - because Marketo would see the field (preferably a field on the lead, Contact, Account, Opp or custom object) you could then use a Token in Marketo based on that field to insert the value in the email.