Dashboard Shows no Opens until 12 hours after Send

Not applicable

Dashboard Shows no Opens until 12 hours after Send

This has happened a few times to me now. When I view my dashboard, it shows that my email had 0 opens until in one case 12, in one case 24, hours after the send. It seems strange to me that one one would open up until this point. I've sent many other emails at the same time and do not have an issue. What am I missing?

Level 10

Re: Dashboard Shows no Opens until 12 hours after Send

Hey Kelsey, assuming that you're using email programs, are the opens showing as 12/24 hours after, or are they showing in the correct columns and it's just taking a long time for the information to populate?


Also, have you reviewed a record of an individual who opened the email to see what time they were sent, what time the email was delivered, and what time the email was opened according to their activity log?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Dashboard Shows no Opens until 12 hours after Send

Isn't there a delay on this dashboard?

@Kelsey, in general, I wouldn't bother looking at these until at least 1-3 days after the send, because it will take a couple of days for everyone to look at their emails.

Not applicable

Re: Dashboard Shows no Opens until 12 hours after Send

It's been 4 days since the send. For almost all of my emails I see some activity in the 0.5 column. For this one, nothing is showing until the 12 column. I'm not sure what the reason would be that emails wouldn't be received until 12 hours after the send.

Dashboard Error.jpg

Level 10

Re: Dashboard Shows no Opens until 12 hours after Send

I'd definitely look at the activity log of people who were being sent this email, and see if there was a delay in the email being queued up, and actually being sent out and then opened. I believe there is a delay in these dashboards populating as Josh suggested, but it should show the correct data based on the send time once it's populated.

If there is a delay, I'd reach out to support to get some clarity on why there were delays.