Re: D365 integration error: Accounts data not syncing back from D365

Level 2

D365 integration error: Accounts data not syncing back from D365

Hi all
We are approaching go-live with the first-time sync between Marketo and D365 and have encountered a problem during testing. Lead, Contact, and Opportunity data seem to be fine, but Account data is not syncing back from D365.


We believe the issue relates to the core behaviour of the sync and how it creates fields in Marketo - I'd really appreciate it if anyone who's navigated this same issue could share how they resolved it.


  1. Every SyncToMkto field is created in D365 and then when the sync is activated, the field is created in Marketo.
  2. From our understanding, every SyncToMkto field should have an API name of new_synctomkto for both the CRM Field Map and Marketo API Name for it to function correctly.

    These look correct for the Lead, Contact, and Opportunity objects (see attached doc)

  3. But for the Account, the field has the wrong Marketo API name of new_synctomkto_account. This API Name is set by the sync connector when it is created, and it cannot be edited at any stage of the process

    We think as it is not named correctly, the API cannot make a connection to update the field in Marketo, which means the data is trapped in D365 and doesn’t get pulled in.

Has anyone come across this?

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Level 1

Re: D365 integration error: Accounts data not syncing back from D365

@BeckyCW did you ever get this issue resolved?  We are having the same issue with Account data not updating.

Level 2

Re: D365 integration error: Accounts data not syncing back from D365

Hi, we did resolve the issue but it took some work and calls with the technical engineering team. It's been a while but I think it was an issue with the account ID and parent customer id fields on the Contact object in the sync connector field selection. While the sync could see the Account fields to sync, it wasn't able to match to the correct Contact.  Once we reconfigured the fields and restarted the sync, I think that solved it.