customize columns in campaign send results

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customize columns in campaign send results

Is there a way to customize the columns that are displayed in the "Send Results" after a campaign has run? I see that I can remove columns that are not relevant, but I am unable to add ones that are (for example account owner-- so that the sales reps can easily view which of the contacts are theirs)?
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: customize columns in campaign send results

Probably better to run a smart list with a View of the columns you do want.
Level 2

Re: customize columns in campaign send results

Thanks, Josh. Any response to the below comment? I have the same question.

Not applicable

Re: customize columns in campaign send results

Thanks Josh-- the problem is, even within a smart list I cannot add the column "activity type" to show who opened/ clicked the email. The results tab in the actual campaign has everything I need it to with the exception of the "Account Owner" so that the actual rep knows who to follow up with. Any other suggestions?
Level 2

Re: customize columns in campaign send results

Did you find a solution to this? I'm running into the same issue.