Custom Object / Opportunity Data for Logic

Not applicable

Custom Object / Opportunity Data for Logic

Hi All, We are trying to build a custom automation flow which is dependent of registration and certain different time based attribute. The data model we are in are One-many over a custom object. but the problem is we are not able to use these attribute in the logic.hence it's impossible to qualify same.

e.g. We store webinar based activity in the custom object - Like Registered, Attendance, View Minutes etc. Is there any alternative way where we can use the same concept.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Custom Object / Opportunity Data for Logic

but the problem is we are not able to use these attribute in the logic.hence it's impossible to qualify same

Please explain exactly what you mean by "not able to use these attributes." Where is it that you're trying to access the View Minutes, for example? Be as detailed as possible. It will help you get answers.

Not applicable

Re: Custom Object / Opportunity Data for Logic

Hi Sanford,

we have created a custom object which holds the Attendance Data over registration Object. we need certain way to use oppertunity name to pull this through conditions to set logic.

like: if Opportunity name =Opportunity D3 send email 1

else send email 2

or Opportunity name =Opportunity D3 or Opportunity D4

send email 4


Similar way we wanted to store the information like Opportunity Minute..

Looking forward for your response.

