Custom Object Field Limit - Changed?

Level 2

Custom Object Field Limit - Changed?

I've noticed that 10 Custom Objects is no longer the standard limit for all instances.  10 may be still be a global hard limit, but I've seen contracts where the limit is 2 CDOs for an instance, but with the option to increase the limit up to 10.  Along with this change, is there also now an option to increase the number of CDO fields from 50 (3 standard plus 47 custom)?

Level 10

Re: Custom Object Field Limit - Changed?

I can only say that we had our CO field limit increased to 100 by support. So it is - or was -  certainly possible.

Level 10

Re: Custom Object Field Limit - Changed?

Thinking about it, @rick, I don't think 10 for the number of COs is a hard limit either. In my former company we had certainly more than 10, probably even more than 20. So you might want to discuss that with support too.

Level 2

Re: Custom Object Field Limit - Changed?

Many thanks, @Michael_Florin .  This is the kind of news I was hoping to hear.


I'm having my folks reach out to support.

Level 8

Re: Custom Object Field Limit - Changed?

Reach out to your Value Success Manager (VSM) instead of support. They should help identify if you can increase the number of Custom Object / Custom Object fields and can assist accordingly.

Reason I say VSM is because of potential changes to the contract and renewal terms.