Looking to create unique signature for 10 of our sales leads. Are there any resources on how to do this step by step using the Email Script Token?
Thanks in advance!
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First let me ask why you think you need an Email Script (Velocity) token. Much as I love Velocity, the first place to start with signature blocks is a dynamic snippet.
To make the snippet dynamic requires of course that you have a Segmentation for sales owner (I don’t think you really mean “sales leads”, do you?) but from there it’s much easier than trying to learn Velocity for this.
First let me ask why you think you need an Email Script (Velocity) token. Much as I love Velocity, the first place to start with signature blocks is a dynamic snippet.
To make the snippet dynamic requires of course that you have a Segmentation for sales owner (I don’t think you really mean “sales leads”, do you?) but from there it’s much easier than trying to learn Velocity for this.
Have you considered using Snippets to create email signatures?