Hello. This is Jun Sasaki @i-enter in Tokyo,Japan.
Can I ask you there are some people who create new field in which
they can put a unique numble automatically?
We need a unique number to manage the leads perticipating in each seminar.
Thank you for your answer.The Nation Talks
Yes, this is definitely possible to do and I have done it on occasion. You have to populate the value though, Marketo cannot do that automatically.
Every Marketo lead already has 2 unique numbers already assigned, and 3 unique fields total:
None of these will change over the lifetime of the lead, so if you simply need a way of referring to the lead in some outside context, it's already there. As Jamie points out you can also create additional fields and make them unique (perhaps generating a GUID before importing a list) but Marketo will not make them unique for you.
As usual, great answers by Jamie and Sanford.
You might also find this article on Linkedin helpful.
Unique Promo Code For Each Member Of A Campaign
It shows how to do exactly what is being asked here, generate and populate unique number to manage the leads for each seminar.
Rajesh Talele
Simply if you want to show registered id for a visitor for each seminar, i recommend to use {{campaign.id}}{{lead.id}} combination.
For example
You make SC when the lead visits a registered page, SC saves {{campaign.id}} to the custom field at flow step.
Of course you can send a unique id in the registered mail and the alert mail.