Re: Custom Button Frustration!

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Custom Button Frustration!

 So I thought It would be better to make a custom button vs using the image buttons that comes with Marketo. I have made tons of buttons in the past! However, never with Marketo. As I am new to this system (coming from Pardot) I'm not very familiar with their templates and CSS. 

I'm trying to make a custom button and it's not working! Here’s basically what the code is: 


And it works and looks fine in my text editor, however when I change the HTML for the template it re-write it to this... 


It closes the link before the divs making is basically useless???

What am I doing wrong!? Is there a setting I need to change so it cannot change my code when placing it in Marketo? 


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Re: Custom Button Frustration!

What else are you trying to accomplish here? I get that you're trying to use divs, but can you use something else instead? perhaps <span> or <p> . What then comes in these double divs?

And from my experience over the years I'd just say that I think that HTML buttons in emails work 80-90% of the time. It is never 100% based on the variety of ways email browsers treat HTML. I used them at my last company, but haven't built new ones at the new company I moved to.
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Re: Custom Button Frustration!

Thats not a bad idea. I was going to test out useing an image as well. I'm just not sure why it's changing my code. I'll try both <span> and <p> to see if that works. 

It seems silly that it would be doing that but maybe it's a bug in the system (or i'm missing something on my end) 
