Re: Curious Behavior: Users starting web journey from Unsubscribe link

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Curious Behavior: Users starting web journey from Unsubscribe link

I see this too often for it to be a fluke:

- Recipient of nurture email or one-off promotional email uses the Unsubscribe link.

- Does not unsubscribe. Instead, travels to home page, demo page, etc. Then leaves.

- Repeats same behavior in subsequent days.

I've ruled this out:

- The unsubscribe page is working, so it's not a case of a frustrated user trying to successfully unsubscribe.

- The unsubscribe link is tucked at the bottom in small type, as we all do. No accidental clicks.

- The unsub page is bare bones ... nothing to entice the visitor not to submit but to explore further.

- Marketo logging website visits out of sequence won't explain it. That is, maybe "unsub" was the last page visit, not the first as it appears to be. But there's no direct way from any of the content pages being visited to get to unsub.

Another relevant factoid: This is not a random thing. I've seen this on dozens of leads in a week's time.

Is there some new weird "advice" out there to only use the unsub link to visit a site to perhaps mask your interest? Am I missing something obvious?

While pondering over this and realizing I might not ever come up with a provable explanation ... I'm trying to decide what type of retargeting might be appropriate for this growing group of oddly behaving web visitors.


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Curious Behavior: Users starting web journey from Unsubscribe link

If they're not physically unsubscribing (by submitting the form with their email address), then probably the result of link scanners (and not of the leads themselves)

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Curious Behavior: Users starting web journey from Unsubscribe link

If they're not physically unsubscribing (by submitting the form with their email address), then probably the result of link scanners (and not of the leads themselves)

Level 3

Re: Curious Behavior: Users starting web journey from Unsubscribe link

Thanks Dan. That sounds both likely ... and mildly depressing.

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Re: Curious Behavior: Users starting web journey from Unsubscribe link

You may want to check to see if you have a Smart Campaign that is triggered when a "New Lead is Created".  This will trigger a flow, because an unknown email added via the unsub form will create a new lead record.  If that is what is happening, a way to prevent it may be to add a condition that the new lead is not created from your Unsubscribe page or form.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Curious Behavior: Users starting web journey from Unsubscribe link

The issue that Frank is describing is happening with existing leads that are already in his database  - not new leads - that are on the receiving end of a nurture/one-off email.  This activity is taking place after the email has been sent.