Creating trigger emails after website form submission
I am working to set-up trigger emails that are sent to a user after they fill out a form on our website. The email would contain the ebook, whitepaper or webinar that they registered for.
What I can't figure out, is how do I trigger an email based on a form fill-out, when I am using the same global form? This is probably a simple task - but I am new to Marketo.
Re: Creating trigger emails after website form submission
Hi Erin, You would probably want to use constraints for this. Are there different web pages that you have for ebook, whitepaper, webinar that contain the same form? If so, you can use the "Web Page" constraint on the Fills out Form trigger to send a different email based on whether they registered for ebook, whitepaper, webinar.
Re: Creating trigger emails after website form submission
Hi Erin, You would probably want to use constraints for this. Are there different web pages that you have for ebook, whitepaper, webinar that contain the same form? If so, you can use the "Web Page" constraint on the Fills out Form trigger to send a different email based on whether they registered for ebook, whitepaper, webinar.