Re: Creating token for email title updating

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Creating token for email title updating

Hello, is it possible to create a token that would be used to update the title that appears when an email is viewed in the web browser (see below)? Right now I am manually updating this by going to Email Actions > HTML Tools > Replace HTML and then updating the title as shown below (3rd image down). This is problematic because doing this disconnects the email from its original template. Any help is much appreciated!



Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Creating token for email title updating

Definitely do-able in My Activities, however if you house your emails in Design Studio it won't be as simple.

There are only 2 steps. First update your email template in the Design Studio -- change what you've highlighted to be something along the lines of {{my.EmailTitle}}. Now you have a few options where to put the actual token, you can do it at the program level that houses your email in My Activities or up the chain through any folder in the hierarchy. Simply create the token with the name "EmailTitle" in this instance, and you're done.

With these types of updates/changes to the templates it's always best practice to share what you're doing with anyone else that might use the same templates as it will impact future development (albeit for the better).

Let me know how it goes.

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Re: Creating token for email title updating

Hi JD,

Which type of token should I use? Email Script, Rich Text, Text?



Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Creating token for email title updating

you just need the Text version; I choose this token most often anyway because you can see it from the overview page (whereas Rich Text requires you to click further to see/update the content) -- but in this case you're just creating flat html text, so 'text' is perfect.

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Re: Creating token for email title updating

Okay, thank you!

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Re: Creating token for email title updating

Also, I  think I'm not doing something right...I created the token per your directions, but the title is not appearing on the tab in the web browser...

Thank you,


Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Creating token for email title updating

can you share any screenshots?

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Re: Creating token for email title updating

Sure, I don't know if this complicates things more, but I would actually like to use the email headline below as the title of the email. Right now, even with the "EmailTitle" token in the email template, the title is not appearing in the web browser tab:


Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Creating token for email title updating

is this a live URL? in preview mode it won't recognize the token... if not (I can't tell which tab is active) can you show a screenshot of the token code in the template?

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Re: Creating token for email title updating

Sure JD, I'll upload an image in a little while...Thanks!