Re: Creating Surveys in Marketo

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Creating Surveys in Marketo

Is it possible to turn a Marketo form into a survey inside Marketo or can that only be done with an outside vendor?
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Re: Creating Surveys in Marketo

Hi Rebecca,

Yes we tried hosting a survey inside Marketo, but found it quite complicated because it wasn't easy to customize questions to appear based on what the answer selection from the previous question. We are had to create a bunch of custom fields in order to capture the responses.

Do you need to capture the survey responses in Marketo? If not, then I highly recommend using an outside vendor like surveymoney.

Hope this helps!
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Re: Creating Surveys in Marketo

It is technically possible, although you'll be dealing with a lot of custom fields that your SFDC administrator would probably rather not add/manage for a single project. The social tool is only really a polling tool with a single questions. I'd reccomend something like SurveyMonkey for administering your own surveys. We use it extensively and have been very happy with them.
Level 10

Re: Creating Surveys in Marketo

I tried creating a survey through Marketo and it was a pain.  
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Re: Creating Surveys in Marketo

I'd use Survey Monkey.