Re: Creating My.Tokens for Sales Signature Lines

Level 2

Creating My.Tokens for Sales Signature Lines

I have been trying to find information on how to create tokens for sales insight emails that would pull through the sales person's  signature line.  Does anyone know how this can be accomplished, and is this something that can not be used in the outlook plugin for MSI?

Level 10

Re: Creating My.Tokens for Sales Signature Lines

Hi Rachel,

Unfortunately tokens are not supported in the Outlook add-in. Please see this doc: Send and Track from Outlook Using a Marketo Template - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

When I used to do trainings for big teams, I'd go over the differences between using the plug-in vs. the functionality in SFDC. This is one important difference to make sure they understand they need to remove in Outlook.


Level 2

Re: Creating My.Tokens for Sales Signature Lines

Hi Kim,

Thank you for the quick response.  Does this mean ANY tokens?  Like system tokens as well, or just My.Tokens?

Level 10

Re: Creating My.Tokens for Sales Signature Lines

I believe that (any) tokens can only work for emails sent by Marketo. Hope this answers your questions.

Level 10

Re: Creating My.Tokens for Sales Signature Lines

Yes, it’s any tokens.

Best regards,

Kim Para<>, Senior Marketing Consultant

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