Creating landing page test group

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Creating landing page test group

I'm trying to set up a A/B test with 2 landing pages but when I try to create the group, the window only displays 1 "available landing page" to test. I notice that this page lives in the Design Studio, whereas my landing pages are in Marketing Activities. Do I need to port them over to Design Studio? That is not specified in the step-by-step walk through of creating a test group:

There should be hundreds of pages to choose from, so I'm not sure why there is only 1 as an option. This discussion suggests that the pages must be unapproved, which mine are:

Any ideas?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Creating landing page test group


It appears you are correct that unapproved pages are the only ones to get in. It also seems that only local assets can be added to a Program local test group.

Typically what you can do is

  1. Create a test group in the Program (I assume this is what you are doing). No pages required.
  2. Find unapproved pages to test OR Clone existing pages to the Program.
  3. Import Program Local pages to the program local test group.