Not sure if Sanford has already replied about this, but if you take the intermediary API you would have to create, the function that would process that code (I do this using the AWS API Gateway/Lambda combo) - the payload being sent would look something like this:
{ "lead_id":"NDAwMDAwMDAwMDA6bGVhZF9pZDoxNjAyNzkyMjUxNDAy", "user_column_data":[ { "column_name":"First Name", "string_value":"FirstName", "column_id":"FIRST_NAME" }, { "column_name":"Last Name", "string_value":"LastName", "column_id":"LAST_NAME" }, { "column_name":"Company Name", "string_value":"CompanyName", "column_id":"COMPANY_NAME" }, { "column_name":"Work Email", "string_value":"", "column_id":"WORK_EMAIL" }, { "column_name":"Work Phone", "string_value":"+16505550124", "column_id":"WORK_PHONE" }, { "string_value":"1-4", "column_id":"COMPANY_SIZE" } ], "api_version":"1.0", "form_id":40000000000, "campaign_id":11185069653, "google_key":"7014P000001rFVf", "is_test":true, "adgroup_id":20000000000, "creative_id":30000000000 }
so if you were take this, you would need to take all the values you wish to save within Marketo, and map them to the Marketo equivalent so the outcome would look something like this:
{ "programName":"Marketo Program", "lookupField":"email", "input":[ { "firstName":"FirstName", "lastName":"LastName", "company":"CompanyName", "phone":"+16505550124", "topLevelDomain":".com", "email":"", "personSourceURL":"adwords | Contact Sales" } ] }
From there, you would take that JSON payload and post it to the!/Leads... to insert/update the record within Marketo.
It's not out yet.
Hi Sanford,
Any update on this?